This application is intended for professionals owning the TVPS-4 (Test of Visual Perceptual Skills, 4th Edition) who have been trained for its use and interpretation.A) Enter date of birth of the subject, date of the test and an optional subject reference.B) Choose one of the following options :- enter the Raw Scores collected on the record form or,- enter the subjects responses during the test directly onto the application on your device. During each subtest, this application detects if out of the last seven questions five responses are incorrect. In that case a warning message appears on screen. The professional can either modify the last incorrect response or press the button to move onto the next subtest.In both circumstances, you have the option to skip any subtest.C) All final test results are available on screen : Raw Scores, Scaled Scores, Standard Scores, Percentile Ranks, Age Equivalents, Confidence Intervals (90% or 95%), Analysis of the compliance with critical values following all comparisons between all subtests.D) All final test results can be saved in pdf format. The created file is stored in "Android/data/guppys.eyes.tvps4calculator" Directory of your device. No personal data of the subject is stored in the application. The pdf file is created under the name "date and time".pdf. As with any pdf file, this file can be renamed, printed, ...Please make sure to comply at all times with all applicable texts regarding the protection of personal data.This application is designed for dates of births and dates of tests ranging from January 1st 1980 to December 31st 2040.This application is available in English and in French.This tool is intended for informational purposes only. Please note this tool does not replace professional judgement.